Sunday, March 4, 2012

Harry Potter vs. LOTR: Image version

Okay, I was planning on doing a second part of the successful HP vs. LOTR post, but then I found this picture that basically sums my whole point up.

So here you go.


  1. That is pretty cool.
    Except for the fact that it's tiny and hard to read (challenging even my excellent passes-Blogger's-human-test-at-first-glance vision). But I just have to say that Sam is not lame. Ron, maybe. Sam, no. Samwise Gamgee is awesome.

  2. I know. It looked huge on my computer.

    And I agree about Sam. I still hold that he is as awesome, if not moreso, than Frodo. But small problem, at least in my opinion.

    Kaires, who is sorry about the tiny image.

  3. Hey, can you actually do a part two? This says the similarities in characters, but not the sorta RPG battles between them that you did. :)
