Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!


Digits I know: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841, 38 digits of Pi. I know it's not that good, but I've never really tried that heard to learn more. :)

Best part of today: We had pie in Geometry!

Fact: Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day.

Question: Why does Phi (φ = 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030917980576 2862135448 22705260462818902449707207204)  have all the spotlight taken from it by Pi?
Followup: Which do you like better?

Have fun on Pi Day!

Kaires, who will probably get outdone in the comments on how many digits of pi he knows.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Harry Potter vs. LOTR: Image version

Okay, I was planning on doing a second part of the successful HP vs. LOTR post, but then I found this picture that basically sums my whole point up.

So here you go.

Stuxnet, and other things

So. I've been doing some research on computers, and I've stumbled across something very interesting.

Yes. Stuxnet.

I'm not sure if you guys have heard of this thing, but basically it is the most complex computer worm ever. They found it in a nuclear enrichment plant outside of Natanz, Iran in 2010. The thing sports 500 kb of dense code, while many other viruses have about 10-15. So complex is the design, including four individual Zero Days (glitches in a system that can be exploited without the developer's knowledge, because they don't know about the glitch), that it appears to have been done by government-backed professionals.

Anyway, that's the random trivia of the day for you guys.

In other news, Chapter 9 of PC has arrived!

Finally, for anyone who has any knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons, I'm going to ask for some feedback. I plan on making a build for a D&D class... of your choice! So leave a comment on what class YOU want to see, but if you don't mind avoiding Essentials classes, that would be nice. So let the roleplay begin!

Kaires, who is excited to make a D&D character... of your choice!