Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!


Digits I know: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841, 38 digits of Pi. I know it's not that good, but I've never really tried that heard to learn more. :)

Best part of today: We had pie in Geometry!

Fact: Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day.

Question: Why does Phi (φ = 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030917980576 2862135448 22705260462818902449707207204)  have all the spotlight taken from it by Pi?
Followup: Which do you like better?

Have fun on Pi Day!

Kaires, who will probably get outdone in the comments on how many digits of pi he knows.


  1. Goodness, you've been away from the blog a while...

    Awesome! never knew that about Einstein!
    And don't worry, I only know up to the second five, so you're safe...for now.

    I like Phi and Pi equally. I think Phi gets left out because there isn't a desert that goes with it. Kids feel like if they learn about Pi, they'll get to, sooner or later, eat Pie.

  2. I only know 3.14159, so don't feel bad. :-D
    I never heard of phi before. Yeah, I agree with Shadows, and you can make great jokes and confuse people with pi.

  3. Ehe. At a certain point most of the people in the room don't know that many digits of pi anymore or where in pi you are exactly, and you can just bluff your way up to 40 or 50. :P

    I personally only know 3.1415926 and then from there it's 4 and 5, but I don't remember whether it's 45 or 54. I think it's 54 . . . wait. *scrolls up* Oh, drat. Apparently it was 53 and the 4 was my calculator rounding up.

    What I want to know is why there's no e day. I can understand why there's no i day, but e deserves its own day. Continuously compounding interest, anyone?
