Monday, February 20, 2012

I must have caught fire or something

I honestly don't know why I let this poor blog die again.

It really wasn't that mean to me.

Anyhow, I was looking at this thing and though how sad it looks. Latest post in, like, 2011.



So I though I'd post something, anything.

So here you go.
Actually, that pretty much sums up my life. That creeper, I mean. Minecraft has shown me the coolest game ever.

Writing Update:
I haven't written much, but my project "Away from the Sun" has replaced my Pandemic Chronicles in the short term.
Gaming Update:
Also, Darkspore, the RPG equivalent of the hit Spore.
Also, Halo Reach, which I recently started playing on the XBox, which I got for Christmas.

In short, welcome back to the un-un-undead blog.

Kaires, who hopes the lapse did not cause too much mental trauma.


  1. Your blog is a zombie? (Excuse my really, really lame, grasping-at-straws Minecraft joke. I'm really not good at those.)

    Anyway, believe it or not, I've never actually seen a worthwhile image of a creeper. I've only seen them really close up or really far away, and (if close) while moving rather quickly and mashing the WASD keys.

  2. *My test comment*

    Interesting. And amusing. Not fun to find a creeper near you. At all.

    I don't think it's a zombie. It's an undead zomzombie (I did mean to type that).

    Kaires, who doesn't have anything funny to say at the end of this post.

  3. Hello, this is, erm, well, um, lest say that I am an individual who's name starts with G who is in a class with you, the class being part of...lets see, how did SPC put it? Well, the fact that I (online) know SPC should be a hint... Ah, right. "The Wife of King Arthur's Talented Collection of Individuals" I believe she said.

    OK, so after my very long introduction, here is my actual comment:
    1. What makes minecraft so fun? i've personally never seen the point, but then again, I haven't tried...
    2. Is "darkspore" any good? It sounds intriguing...

  4. Hey, Kaires! Glad you're back and posting again! :-D Also, I'm glad you can comment now!
    Aww...darn! I have a serious addiction to the Pandemic Chronicles...will they be back someday?
    LOL, Shadows. Yes, that is how I put it.
    Oh, yeah--about 65 people have recommended SPORE to me. Is it free? And also, what's the link? I've searched it, but I think the search results are mostly hacking sites.

  5. I think it was Manet who coined the expression. Or maybe she just got it from SPC? Dunno. Anyways.

  6. No, she got it from me. I remember making it up distinctly.

  7. Spore is not free, but as far as I know, he software you buy to get it is pretty much bricked. It didn't garner a fanbase, so you can still play it, but it's pretty much nonfunctional (There used to be an online creature/vehicle/house sharing thingy called Sporepedia). Living Shadows, DarkSpore is pretty much like SPORE, but it's combat-oriented. You collect more and more items to make your three-team squads as powerful as possible and fight hordes of enemies.
    Minecraft... it's difficult to explain why it's so much fun. I like it because you actually need to think about what you're doing, instead of just grinding baddies.

    Kaires, who hopes this makes sense

  8. Aha, thank you. Yes, it does make sense.
    @Nix: Just to make sure I didn't misremember, I searched it, and yeah, I made the term on July 1st. Manet used it on August 6th.
